



Got anyone you‘d like to send this to:)?



Being over here on Memorial Day Weekend proves a bit rough for me (last year, and now, too. My current homebound, solitary sickness doesn’t seem to be helping…)

Instead of:

warm blue skies, pool openings, flip flops, flags, bare feet tickled by  backyard grass, pumping stereo music, barbecues with family & friends, omnipresent star-spangled Americana, vibrant sundresses, burgers on the grill, potato salad, deviled eggs, six-packs of cold beer, pitchers of lemonade

It seems to be:

gray skies, wet sidewalks, chilly air, tea, sinus infections (today, anyway. BOO)

Womp wah.

We had a glimpse of summer here, and now winter is back. This isn’t how my body rhythm works, what it expects. Something feels off, time-wise. This holiday should be spent outdoors, wrapped in the goodness of sun and annual tradition you can count on, year in and year out.

I’m trying to steer clear of Facebook and Instagram and other social media outlets that have that nasty ability to exacerbate the grass-is-greener syndrome.  I’m happy for you over there today, I really am; I just wish I was there, too.

{Photo taken earlier this weekend while exploring the incredible waterfalls of Oregon’s magnificent Columbia Gorge}




On Kindness



This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.~Dalai Lama

Have a wonderful, safe Memorial Day weekend, y’all.

Travel Light


A friend who knows me super well sent me this lovely quote.

It seems especially pertinent, as I’ve got some approaching travels up my sleeve. Tomorrow I’m off to Portland (only my second visit ever! Got any great tips for me?), and in two weeks, it’s back to the two countries I’ve ever called home outside of the U.S. Although it doesn’t feel real quite yet, the wanderluster in me is beginning to get  veryyy excited. Happy long weekend, friends!





Last night, I saw these guys at The Croc. {They had me from the get-go…Stornoway is  a town on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland’s Outer Hebrides, so how could I not be intrigued? I’m off to Scotland in a matter of weeks, by the way! Whoweeeeee}



Thanks for the rec, my favorite music gurus!

This video makes be uber-dizzy, but I do love the song!


In Charge






Early Riser



What to do when a busy brain + streaming-in sunlight awake you at 5:30am yet again?

Make eggs (with Sriracha) + steep tea + put on MMJ Pandora + journal + attempt to embrace the stillness of an early start (+ really pray that tomorrow’s wake-up time is later…)

Happy Tuesday, y’all.

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