Fake it till you make it

I haven’t been feeling super inspired or motivated today, but no matter. I still had a good day, spent mostly with my mum (returned from sunny Cali) in the surreal ‘burbs, on our tranquil back deck (I spied a chipmunk!) and in a strip mall I know oh-s0-well. Ah, suburban living. It’s an odd thing.

I’m missing the city buzz, but trying to be patient till my plan falls into place. This requires a delicate balance (that I’m not sure I’ve yet mastered) between taking action and letting it unfold. I think I’ll feel more settled once I’ve solidified a timeline. I’m getting there. But for now, QT  with my parents is really, really nice.

Today I also took advantage of the magic of Skype, making one of my favorite-ever lassies feel much closer than an ocean away. I’m a bit relieved the weekend’s over. As expected, it felt quite heavy at times. Time to dive into a new week. The sun’s setting noticeably earlier, but summer has returned at least. Welcome back. We missed you.

“At any moment, you have a choice, that either leads you closer to your spirit or further away from it.”~Thich Nhat Hanh