Things I’m Digging Right Now

*Any of Jimmy Fallon’s absurdly hilarious Thank You notes (*and, well, just anything of Jimmy’s—full stop, especially when he cracks himself up, which is pretty much always):

*First Aid Kit’s contribution to the WILD soundtrack:

*The fact that my most favorite performer ever—Langhorne Slim—is coming BACK to Seattle (& to my favorite venue here, AND just a few days before my birthday!)

*Breaking out of routine/comfort zones. For example, last night—on a random Thursday eve— I got to drive a snowmobile through the dark and serene woods of Eastern Washington! A bit scary at first, but overall….just so darn cool. What a (chilly) rush!


*Rising with the sun for mountain views like THESE. Seriously, that light!! Today’s snow walk was brief, but I won’t soon forget it: traipsing across the magical, crunchy white stuff in a peaceful, still world, just beginning to stir. What a gift.

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Thankful November: Day 13

Day 13 * I am grateful for: Times when, for some unknown reason, strangers gravitate toward me…on days when I also happen to feel open and receptive to hearing their stories. Today, in the midst of some relatively short-lived bus banter coming home from downtown, a man revealed so much to me about his day that he moved himself to tears. Although I’ll never know the background as to why that one particular anecdote carried such significance and emotion for him, I felt that—for one moment—I was let in on something sacred.

And I wondered why we don’t share/bare our true selves with/to strangers more often. Vulnerability can be a beautiful thing.

“We are each other’s harvest; we are each other’s business; we are each other’s magnitude and bond.” ― Gwendolyn Brooks

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Thankful November: Day 12

Day 12 * I’m thankful for: Blue skies. Hot tea. Steaming pho. Cold medicine. Almost-didn’t-happen runs. The magical glow that splashes the city before dusk. Imminent reunions with friends + family. Late-night writing inspiration. (Gratitude lists that are supposed to contain one item but grow + grow + grow…)

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Thankful November: Day 11

Day 11 * I’m thankful for: Sunny-day brunches. Salmon tartines and free-flowing coffee. Forever friends + soulful conversations.

Portage Bay Cafe=one of Seattle's brekkie gems

Portage Bay Cafe=one of Seattle’s brekkie gems

Thankful November: Day 10

Day 10 * I am thankful for: These amazing friends. Cozy dinner parties. The miracle of finding my people wherever I wander.



Thankful November: Days 7, 8 & 9

Day 7 * I am thankful for: Saying yes to unexpected adventures.


Day 8 * Simple beauty.


Day 9 * Live music. Always, live music.


Thankful November: Day 6

Day 6 * I’m thankful for: YOGA. My favorite, wise, funny, playful instructors & my beloved studio—a warm, inviting space even when, outside, the rains pelt & the winds howl. Steadiness and strength and community even (especially) in the midst of semi-off-kilter days & weeks.

Halloween happenings with the lovely yogini Jessica.

Halloween happenings with the lovely yogini Jessica.

Thankful November: Day 5

Day 5 * I am thankful for: New cafes + coffee chats with a new writer friend.


Thankful November: Day 4

November 4 * I’m grateful for: the ability to laugh. With people and, sometimes, all on my own. At myself, at life, at the absurdities, at the funniness of it all.

A recent dim sum (un)fortune

A recent dim sum (un)fortune